Get focused to get results: 3 Steps to your dream job at NI18
Many of you are getting ramped up to attend Net Impact’s annual conference this autumn. You may also be considering launching or shifting your careers in the impact sector. We all want the job search process to be easy. We want to just be able to hop on the web, look at the job boards, find a job that looks interesting, apply to it, land the interview and, most importantly, get the job offer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

Before the conference, here are 3 things for you to prepare:
Most impact job seekers want to make a difference. But what does that difference, or that impact, really look like to you?
1) Get specific about your passions — Think about this by peeling the sustainability onion: the top layers are the global versus local contexts you need to choose from; the middle layers are the sector (NGO, public or private) and industry (consumer goods, financial services, oil and gas); the inner layer is around your role and function and defines which skills you’ll use (analysis, research, reporting, communications); and at the core is your issues expertise — knowledge of waste, human rights, natural capital, water, life cycle analysis and so forth. Based on your answers you’ll know exactly which sessions are best for you to attend!
You are unique. Your uniqueness and authenticity need to shine through in your brand story and across your personal marketing materials.
2) Give me the gist — Craft your elevator pitch! The new secret jobs market insists that you take the time to craft your memorable, original intro now — to save yourself later. Don’t fall into the trap of making your answer to “What do you do?” too short with just a title and company name. That is boring! You have to bring it to life, tell a story, and take the whole 30 seconds. Don’t sell yourself short by keeping it too short.
3) Update Linkedin — Did you know that 97% of human resources and staffing professionals use LinkedIn to search for candidates and that 77% of all job openings are posted there? Making the most of your profile with this Linkedin guide will be one of the best investments you’ll make in your job search and ongoing career and network development. As you network at the conference you can be confident that anyone viewing your profile is seeing the best you.
Ready for more? Join me at the NI18 conference on Saturday, 27th October (10:40am room 125A!) for a deeper dive into positioning yourself for your dream role and to:
- Unpack the employment landscape from a recruiter’s perspective,
- Try out the “peeling the onion” tool to get focused and get results,
- Be immersed in a skills-mapping so you know what you are “selling”
We will also look at cutting-edge trends in the marketplace and illuminate productive next steps toward your career goals, whether you are just starting out or an experienced professional looking to make a shift.
See you soon!
This article was originally published on Net Impact.